The Seruv List                                                                    1)  Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz Seruv
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                                   2)  Rabbi Shlomo Weissmann Seruv
RABBI SHLOMO WEISSMANN SERUV The American Beth Din summoned Rabbi Shlomo Weissmann to their Beth Din. Three hazmanot (summons) were sent certified return receipt and were accepted. Shlomo Weissmann failed to appear, nor requested an alternative Beth Din, nor gave any reason/excuse for not appearing. As a Nitva (defendant), Shlomo Weissmann could have chosen a different Beth Din. Shlomo Weissmann expects people to follow his rules and procedures, but appears to believe that these same rules do not apply to him. This seruv was completed over a year ago (August 27, 2013). It was held by the American Beth Din; on the hope that Shlomo Weissmann would reflect, review, reconsider, and do Tshuva (repentance). We had wished that Yom Kipper would have reminded him of his transgression(s); obviously we were wrong and therefore we now publish the seruv. A rabbi should be an example for his community. In today’s world of corruption and dishonesty a rabbi must make special efforts to keep his good name and only do Mitzvahs. The epitome of a hypocrite is a rabbi of a Beth Din who would ignore a hazmanah about matters involving something as serious as issuing bogus seruv(s). Silence is not a good position to take in this matter. How can Shlomo Weissmann expect any litigant to accept his  Beth Din rulings, Kosher Hashgacha, or whatever when he refuses to defend himself about these serious issues. Copyright 2013 ©
RABBI GEDALIA DOV SCHWARTZ The American Beth Din summoned Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz to their Beth Din. Three hazmanot (summons) were sent certified return receipt and were accepted. Gedalia Dov Schwartz failed to appear, nor requested an alternative Beth Din, nor gave any reason/excuse for not appearing. As a Nitva (defendant), Gedalia Dov Schwartz could have chosen a different Beth Din, but did not. This seruv was completed over a year ago (September 30, 2013). It was held by the American Beth Din; on the hope that Gedalia Dov Schwartz would reflect, review, reconsider, or do Tschuva (repentance). We had wished that since two Yom Kippers have transpired, that this would have reminded him of his transgression(s). Besides the above, the world is aware of his association with Rabbi Aryeh Dudovitz (child molester) and Rabbi Barry Freundel (voyeurist) and how he signed off on all of Barry Freundels conversions; where many of Freundels converts did not even study or go to conversion class; a shanda fur die goy. Truly a disgrace to conversions around the world. “A good name takes a lifetime to acquire but only an instant to ruin” – Rabbi Yisroel Baal Shem Tov (Besht). It is with a sad and heavy heart that we must now publish a seruv against Gedalia Dov Schwartz.

The below seruv against Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz of the Beth Din of America

issued by the Rabbinical Court Shar Hamishpot in Monsey New York on or about 24

Tamuz 5771 / July 26, 2011.

SUMMARY: Reuven Meirowitz (SP) is a husband who had already recently gone to a

proper Beth Din. Meirovitz had won the case yet Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz

demanded, without cause, that Meirowitz submit to The Beth Din of America instead.

The defendant Reuben Meirowitz sent verified letters to Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz

which complied with Torah law and complied with Beth Din requirements. Rabbi

Schwartz was not able to give any cause against Reuben Meirowitz, but Schwartz then

decided to try and embarrass Meirowitz by issuing a bogus seruv against him.

Whoever excommunicates someone falsely he himself is excommunicated and we

embarrass him and publicize his sin(s). We the Rabbinical Court Beth Din Shar

Hamishpot declare to the world that Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz is malevolent, a liar,

and deserves to be put in excommunication.

This is being done because Rabbi Schwartz placed a false seruv on Meirowitz during

his divorce proceedings. Schwartz ignored Halacha and issued a bogus seruv without

cause. The Torah states that whoever does this falsely, he himself gets


This seruv specifically calls Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz a Rasha (wicked person), a

Shakran (liar) and a Motzi Shem Ra (spreading untrue remarks).

The seruv states that the punishment for Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz is both niddui

and shamta. This is the highest form of excommunication; it is a total exclusion of a

person from the Jewish Community, similar to Spinoza in the seventeenth century.

Signed by: Rabbi Avrohom Shmuel Yehuda Gestetner, on behalf of the entire Beth Din 

The below Bittel Seruv against Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz of the Beth Din of America

issued by the Rabbinical Court Shar Hamishpot in Monsey New York is for the purpose

of nullifying a bogus seruv.

SUMMARY: Yomin Postelnik was merely seeking a postpartum evaluation and

marriage counseling prior to a divorce. He had also already involved a local Beth Din

with his then wife's approval.  All actions were taken with consultation of experts and

rabbis.  Rabbi Shlomo Weissmann (Menahel/Director) of the Beth Din of America along

with Rabbi Steven Pruzansky improperly sought to usurp the authority of the local Beth

Din which both parties had agreed to prior.  They also failed to adhere to their own

agreement to judge the case according to halacha (which they failed to cite).  A letter

from the original Beth Din also attests to this.

Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz is excommunicated placed in both "nidui" and "shamta"

as is the law for issuing a false seruv (contempt order) according to Chosen Mishpat

Chapter 334 Paragraph 43 – “anyone who tries to be menadeh (including false seruvs)

is himself menudeh” (a form of excommunication).

As the Talmud says, "the mouse is not the thief, the hole is the thief" (the mouse would

not steal were it to have no hiding place).  Accordingly, the rabbis who helped him must

be strongly and forcefully objected to in the strongest of terms.

The husband signed that he would abide by a decision based only on Jewish law

(halacha) and that the panel would have to provide Torah reasoning and rule in

accordance with Torah law (halacha). They did not.

The Beth Din of America did not provide Torah sources for their ruling and emphatically

refused to provide any reasoning in accordance with Jewish law; even though this was

what the arbitration agreement required. 

The Seruv continues: The rabbis involved have shown themselves to be untrustworthy

in all matters.  Additionally, they do not know the laws of gittin, which are extremely

complex (and mistakes can result in invalid gittin). 

Yomin Postelnik is fully in compliance with Jewish religious law. 

Accordingly, it is forbidden for the husband to now issue a get in this circumstance until

the false "contempt" order is removed, as any get that is coerced is invalid.